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Feature Statistic Moldova

Num. NamesFeature ClassFeature CodeFeature Description
Administrative Boundary Features (country, state, region,...)
37A.ADM1first-order administrative divisiona primary administrative division of a country, such as a state in the United States
4A.ADMDadministrative divisionan administrative division of a country, undifferentiated as to administrative level
1A.PCLIindependent political entity
42 Total for A
Hydrographic Features (stream, lake, ...)
121H.STMstreama body of running water moving to a lower level in a channel on land
26H.RVNravine(s)a small, narrow, deep, steep-sided stream channel, smaller than a gorge
15H.STMIintermittent stream
14H.LKlakea large inland body of standing water
5H.RSVreservoir(s)an artificial pond or lake
3H.PNDponda small standing waterbody
1H.STMSBlost rivera surface stream that disappears into an underground channel, or dries up in an arid area
1H.STMCcanalized streama stream that has been substantially ditched, diked, or straightened
186 Total for H
Area Features (parks,area, ...)
4L.LCTYlocalitya minor area or place of unspecified or mixed character and indefinite boundaries
4L.PRKparkan area, often of forested land, maintained as a place of beauty, or for recreation
2L.RESFforest reservea forested area set aside for preservation or controlled use
2L.RGNregionan area distinguished by one or more observable physical or cultural characteristics
1L.GRAZgrazing areaan area of grasses and shrubs used for grazing
1L.CMNcommona park or pasture for community use
1L.RESNnature reservean area reserved for the maintenance of a natural habitat
1L.AREAareaa tract of land without homogeneous character or boundaries
16 Total for L
Populated Place Features (city, village,...)
1.739P.PPLpopulated placea city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
36P.PPLAseat of a first-order administrative divisionseat of a first-order administrative division (PPLC takes precedence over PPLA)
18P.PPLXsection of populated place
1P.PPLWdestroyed populated placea village, town or city destroyed by a natural disaster, or by war
1P.PPLCcapital of a political entity
1.795 Total for P
Road / Railroad Features (road, railroad )
1R.RYDrailroad yarda system of tracks used for the making up of trains, and switching and storing freight cars
1 Total for R
Spot Features (spot, building, farm)
77S.RSTNrailroad stationa facility comprising ticket office, platforms, etc. for loading and unloading train passengers and freight
49S.RSTPrailroad stopa place lacking station facilities where trains stop to pick up and unload passengers and freight
38S.HTLhotela building providing lodging and/or meals for the public
17S.RSDrailroad sidinga short track parallel to and joining the main track
15S.TOWRtowera high conspicuous structure, typically much higher than its diameter
12S.FRMfarma tract of land with associated buildings devoted to agriculture
6S.RSTNQabandoned railroad station
3S.MSTYmonasterya building and grounds where a community of monks lives in seclusion
3S.AIRPairporta place where aircraft regularly land and take off, with runways, navigational aids, and major facilities for the commercial handling of passengers and cargo
2S.RSRTresorta specialized facility for vacation, health, or participation sports activities
2S.PSpower stationa facility for generating electric power
2S.HSPhospitala building in which sick or injured, especially those confined to bed, are medically treated
2S.SNTRsanatoriuma facility where victims of physical or mental disorders are treated
2S.SCHAagricultural schoola school with a curriculum focused on agriculture
1S.SCHschoolbuilding(s) where instruction in one or more branches of knowledge takes place
1S.MNMTmonumenta commemorative structure or statue
1S.CHchurcha building for public Christian worship
1S.GOVLlocal government officea facility housing local governmental offices, usually a city, town, or village hall
1S.STNMmeteorological stationa station at which weather elements are recorded
1S.UNIVuniversityAn institution for higher learning with teaching and research facilities constituting a graduate school and professional schools that award master's degrees and doctorates and an undergraduate division that awards bachelor's degrees.
1S.STDMstadiuma structure with an enclosure for athletic games with tiers of seats for spectators
1S.STNRradio stationa facility for producing and transmitting information by radio waves
1S.CSTLcastlea large fortified building or set of buildings
1S.AIRFairfielda place on land where aircraft land and take off; no facilities provided for the commercial handling of passengers and cargo
1S.BRKSbarracksa building for lodging military personnel
241 Total for S
Hypsographic Features (mountain,hill,rock,... )
36T.HLLhilla rounded elevation of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300m
13T.VALvalleyan elongated depression usually traversed by a stream
5T.RDGEridge(s)a long narrow elevation with steep sides, and a more or less continuous crest
3T.UPLDuplandan extensive interior region of high land with low to moderate surface relief
3T.HLLShillsrounded elevations of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300m
3T.PLNplain(s)an extensive area of comparatively level to gently undulating land, lacking surface irregularities, and usually adjacent to a higher area
2T.MTmountainan elevation standing high above the surrounding area with small summit area, steep slopes and local relief of 300m or more
1T.MNDmound(s)a low, isolated, rounded hill
1T.CLFcliff(s)a high, steep to perpendicular slope overlooking a waterbody or lower area
1T.GRGEgorge(s)a short, narrow, steep-sided section of a stream valley
68 Total for T
Vegetation Features (forest,heath,...)
7V.FRSTforest(s)an area dominated by tree vegetation
7 Total for V

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