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Feature Statistic Cape Verde

Num. NamesFeature ClassFeature CodeFeature Description
Administrative Boundary Features (country, state, region,...)
22A.ADM1first-order administrative divisiona primary administrative division of a country, such as a state in the United States
1A.ADM2second-order administrative divisiona subdivision of a first-order administrative division
1A.PCLIindependent political entity
24 Total for A
Hydrographic Features (stream, lake, ...)
84H.STMstreama body of running water moving to a lower level in a channel on land
62H.BAYbaya coastal indentation between two capes or headlands, larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf
8H.COVEcove(s)a small coastal indentation, smaller than a bay
4H.SHOLshoal(s)a surface-navigation hazard composed of unconsolidated material
2H.RFreef(s)a surface-navigation hazard composed of consolidated material
1H.ANCHanchoragean area where vessels may anchor
1H.BGHTbight(s)an open body of water forming a slight recession in a coastline
1H.RDSTroadsteadan open anchorage affording less protection than a harbor
163 Total for H
Populated Place Features (city, village,...)
232P.PPLpopulated placea city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
21P.PPLAseat of a first-order administrative divisionseat of a first-order administrative division (PPLC takes precedence over PPLA)
1P.PPLCcapital of a political entity
1P.PPLLpopulated localityan area similar to a locality but with a small group of dwellings or other buildings
255 Total for P
Spot Features (spot, building, farm)
72S.HTLhotela building providing lodging and/or meals for the public
10S.AIRPairporta place where aircraft regularly land and take off, with runways, navigational aids, and major facilities for the commercial handling of passengers and cargo
1S.AIRQabandoned airfield
1S.BANKbankA business establishment in which money is kept for saving or commercial purposes or is invested, supplied for loans, or exchanged.
1S.DAMdama barrier constructed across a stream to impound water
1S.HSEhouse(s)a building used as a human habitation
1S.RSRTresorta specialized facility for vacation, health, or participation sports activities
87 Total for S
Hypsographic Features (mountain,hill,rock,... )
289T.PTpointa tapering piece of land projecting into a body of water, less prominent than a cape
63T.MTmountainan elevation standing high above the surrounding area with small summit area, steep slopes and local relief of 300m or more
26T.ISLislanda tract of land, smaller than a continent, surrounded by water at high water
10T.HLLhilla rounded elevation of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300m
6T.BCHbeacha shore zone of coarse unconsolidated sediment that extends from the low-water line to the highest reach of storm waves
5T.ISLSislandstracts of land, smaller than a continent, surrounded by water at high water
4T.PLATplateauan elevated plain with steep slopes on one or more sides, and often with incised streams
3T.MTSmountainsa mountain range or a group of mountains or high ridges
3T.PLNplain(s)an extensive area of comparatively level to gently undulating land, lacking surface irregularities, and usually adjacent to a higher area
3T.UPLDuplandan extensive interior region of high land with low to moderate surface relief
2T.HLLShillsrounded elevations of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300m
2T.RKrocka conspicuous, isolated rocky mass
1T.PKpeaka pointed elevation atop a mountain, ridge, or other hypsographic feature
417 Total for T

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